We made it!

Alright, so after a long day of flying, the two of us finally made it to Guatemala. We were picked up by a driver working with Maximo Nivel (the organization Isabel is getting her TEFL certification through) and taken to our host family. It was 2:00 a.m. and we were both exhausted. Carlos (the eldest son of the host family who also speaks the best english) showed us to our rooms and we crashed.

Most of Saturday was resting and settling in. We got to know our host family a little bit better, we met some friends of ours who helped us get phone plans here, we shopped at our local grocery store for some toiletries and walked around the city of Antigua a little bit. Overall, Saturday was pretty nice.

Sunday we went to church with those same friends (I guess I should mention that they are from Texas and have been living in Guatemala for 13 years now). Church was really cool, with the worship and the message being translated into english. After church, we were invited for lunch, and we spent the afternoon getting good life tips and playing with their children. Overall, Sunday was awesome!

Now its Monday. Isabel has her first day of classes and I go off to run errands. I get some of our dollars exchanged to quetzals at the bank (using a combination of my limited spanish and hand gestures) and then I spend time on the phone with our local phone service provider so that we can purchase a data plan…eventually reaching success! By about 1:00 p.m. Isabel is off for the day and we go to get Tacos at a resturant nearby. Also Isabel loves horchata, so we got a glass of that as well! There are 5 other students in her class, all around the same age as us, and she got along with them very well. This weekend we will all be going to the lake together, so more updates to come. Aside from that, Isabel really enjoyed the course vibes and she placed quite high in her spanish placement evaluation (to which she was extremely happy as you can imagine). More importantly however, due to COVID-19, Maximo Nivel is understaffed and as a result, they gave her an unofficial job offer for when she completes the course. So unless something changes, there is a very high likelyhood of her getting the job!

For now, she does homework and I will go to the store to pick up some more room-hold neccessities. Adios!