Nick And Isabel.
in Guatemala
"The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps."
Proverbs 16:9

About Us.
Who | What | When | Where
Nick and Isabel are missionaries serving in Antigua, Guatemala. They currently serve as the House Parents for one of the two children’s homes run by the organization “House of Destiny”.
Nick is the designated driver and maintenance man for both homes, and Isabel is responsible for all internal affairs of the one house.
Nick and Isabel are 23 & 21 years old respectively, and as such are very new to the missionary scene. That being said, God has prepared them both in extraordinary ways over the past few years which has given them the peace and confidence to obey His calling despite all the challenges involved.
To read more about them, click the button below!

The Home
Nick and Isabel live in the home with the children to provide stability for them. From nightmares at bedtime to the mountains of laundry at day time, each day is full of adventure.

Our Newsletter.
Nick and Isabel are dedicated to providing monthly newsletters so that their friends and family can stay up to date. From funny moments with the children, to long adventures around the country, we want you to know how you can be praying for us, and how you can help.
Our Finances.
Nick and Isabel are full time missionaries and therefore rely on financial supporters to make up most of their income. Currently they have just under half of their target goal raised for monthly support and are super encouraged by the generosity that comes from everyone. Nick is also fortunate enough to be able to work part time on website development as a smaller source of secondary income, to which they are both very grateful as well.
If you wish to know more about their financial situation, how you can support them or what projects they are working on, click the button below!

Nick began developing websites in 2021 shortly before heading to Guatemala. He continues to do so as a secondary source of income and has also partnered with other local mission organizations to help them with their technological needs.
A day in the life
Read more about the different aspects of their lives.
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Latest updates

In order to protect the children within our home, the posts shown on this site do not contain all of the information that we send our in our weekly newsletter. We have taken non-sensitive information and excerpts from our posts to provide as public information, however our full newsletters are sent directly to the email addresses of our subscribers. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter please click the button bellow and fill out our newsletter subscriber form. We would be thrilled to add you to our growing list of supporters!
Faith leaves you speechless.
Then a storyteller
Relinquish your trust and obey God’s calling for your life. As scary as it sounds, a meaningful life full of love and adventure awaits you.
Nick and Isabel have experienced the wild roller coaster of life during their journey together in faith. From riding on a row boat in their van in search of a child’s family, to hiking up an active volcano. Everyday is a new adventure when walking in faith.
It hasn’t all been easy by any stretch of the imagination. Illness, the death of a friend and the longing to be back home are all hardships that they have had to deal with. However, God can use all things for His glory, and He reigns sovereign over the enemy.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.“
John 10:10