The Closing of a Chapter

Moving Home!

In early August, we felt our calling to House of Destiny lifted. Our family and the ministry have both been going through lots of changes, and we knew it was time to reevaluate where God was leading us. After lots of prayer, we both knew it was time to move back to the states. It was a very difficult decision to make with lots of new implications for everyone involved, but we have peace that this is the next step for us. We are excited to be near family again in Huntsville, Alabama! Our move date has changed many times, but we now have flights for December 2nd. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us financially and in prayer over the past two and a half years, we couldn’t have been down here if it wasn’t for our supporters and those who lifted us up in prayer every week.

What does this mean for the home?

House of Destiny continues to thrive and push forward serving the children of Guatemala in Jesus’ name! Under the leadership of Valerie, the home will be staffed by local Guatemalans and American missionaries.We’re already well into the transition process for this, and working out the kinks before we actually leave. The house is definitely in more than capable hands. If you still feel led to support the home I’ll leave more info about how you can do that at the end! Babies drink a lot of formula and use a lot of diapers, and any parent out there knows that that’s not cheap!

4 new kids

While we were stateside, 3 new children were welcomed into the home! We accepted Beronica (9 months), Anderson (4 years), and Nancy (2 months) as well as Ian who came right before we left, he was born the same day as Naya, May 25th! They are both six months old as of today!

What does this mean for us?

While there are many chapters yet to be written in our lives, the next chapter will be in Alabama. With job opportunities in the tech space and a loving set of grandparents, our plan is to settle down for a bit to prepare for what God has next. As long as we live in town, Isabel’s milk cow dreams will have to wait, but we are so excited for chickens and a garden! We are really hoping to find a place to live that is within walking distance of Nick’s parents too! It is very surreal to be just on the cusp of a transition that will so drastically change our daily lives, but we’ve done it before when we moved to Guate, so I know we can do it again! God is faithful and will help us through this step by step.

Honest Financials

We want to say thank you for everyone who has supported us over the past 2 and a half years. This has been an adventure and a blessing to our lives. We also want to be open about our financial situation. Moving back to the states is expensive. Traveling, getting our pets home, finding a place to live, and more all add up. God has faithfully provided for us over the years in more ways than we can count. When we first started out this journey, we only had 2 friends from college supporting us and we can’t thank them enough. Huge shout out to Jordan and Alecia. We can’t express enough how valuable your support has been <3.

If it is okay to do so, we’d like to ask for your continued support for a short period of time. We won’t be specific of how long, that is between you and God, and I mean that in a good way not a mean way haha. If everyone feels at peace stopping support now, we won’t be offended or hurting. God provides for His people, that much we know for certain. If you do feel comfortable supporting us with the transition, we would greatly appreciate it.

Our plan is to get a job (This is Nick here, if you have software job opportunities feel free to let me know haha) and continue to grow our web development agency. If all goes to plan, I will get a job quickly, and we will be financially stable shortly. If not, we have a loving family who doesn’t hesitate to support us, and a God who has a super cool plan. That being said, we will keep everyone updated on our status to ensure that no one feels like their being cheated. The moment we get a job, we will be quick to tell any remaining supporters to bless God’s kingdom elsewhere.

If anyone has any questions for us, curiosities about the missionary process, interest in becoming a missionary or just wants to chat, please contact us! We have already spoken with many of you in person, but there are still a lot that we haven’t caught up yet! We’d be more than happy to chat, share our hearts, and connect you to where God is calling you. God bless you all. You can expect another update for Christmas. Thank you for everything.