
Jay and Valarie Ranton are the directors of The Houses of Destiny and have been working here for over 13 years. For the past seven years Jay has been battling cancer and on July 10th, 2022 he passed away. His wife Valarie Ranton made a Facebook post about his passing, and this is what she said.

“After more than 7 years of constant pain, Jay is finally free. His body failed him but his Savior did not. He is happy and care free but we are all heavy with loss. I pray my children come closer to God through this and hate all the devil has available to them. Please pray for his family that seek joy in the Lord and rejoice with Jay.

In his last days he told those around him that he finished his race and he was winning and beating them all to heaven.”

A few of you have asked us in the past what would happen if he were to pass away. Does the ministry fall apart? Does the funding dry up? Will Valarie stay in Guatemala or will she move back to the United States? House of Destiny will carry on without Jay and Valarie will remain in Guatemala with her six children. Since his death was not unexpected, the two of them have had many years to prepare for his time. Valarie is fully capable of continuing the ministry and has every intention of doing so.

Isabel and I are obviously here to support her and her family through this time. We have spent many hours with the kids over the past week, encouraging them and mourning with them to whatever extent they need. The road ahead is long and bumpy, but God is good and he takes care of us all.

Please be praying for Valarie Ranton and her family during this time of grief. Jay was a wonderful friend and mentor to me (Nick) during the short period of time that I was able to know him. If he were to stand before you now and offer one piece of advice, it would be this:

“Love always wins.”