Guate: An Open Door

Hello Friends!

Today I (Isabel) decided it was time to start writing blog posts instead of just Nick, and boy, this was the post to start on! For those of you who have been following us this whole time, you know that there have been many twists and turns throughout our story. As it turns out, God is not done throwing plot twists into this story! After prayerful consideration and lots of conversations with Jay and Valerie (the directors of the House of Destiny), we have decided to move into the House of Destiny.

A Quick Summary:

We are moving into the House of Destiny to love babies and provide a stable presence within the house. This transition into full time ministry is SO exciting, that said, we are now raising support! If you would like to know more about how to support us via prayer or financially, hop on over to the “Support Us” page.

More Information:

Jay and Valerie have been directors of the House of Destiny for 13 years and are now opening a second house (Casa Ranton) that they will be moving into with the older kids. This change is happening in order to bring stability to the whole family. Since the House of Destiny is a temporary safe haven for many young children, the number of children living in the house is constantly fluctuating. Because of this, Jay, Valerie, and their family are moving to the second house to create a more stable family environment for the older kids.

This move is incredibly exciting, but there is now a gap that needed to be filled. The House of Destiny is special because for the past 13 years Jay and Valerie have served by providing a family environment for children in need. Many childrens’ homes in Guatemala are institutions rather than a home that has a family unit. The family unit structure is vital because it shows children what a healthy, safe, family structure looks like. It helps young children learn how to have healthy attachments to adults, which is critical in early development. This leads us to the new move- our new move into the House of Destiny! We knew before we moved to Guatemala that we were called to serve children in need, and God quite obviously opened door after door for us to partner closely with Jay, Valerie, and the whole house. Once the final inspections are passed on Casa Ranton, the family will be moving into the second house and we’ll be moving into the first! Hopefully this will happen before December, but paperwork in Guate can be slow.

Nick, Chorizo, and I will be moving in to provide the family structure for the remaining children in the house and all of the babies that will find House of Destiny in the future. We don’t know how long we will be serving at the House of Destiny, but we will happily love babies until God says it’s our time to go. As stated above, we are now raising support. Up until now Nick has been working, designing websites and I have been volunteering, but once we move in his role will also be shifting. While we will still be creating websites, Nick will be taking on much of the driver/maintenance responsibilities. This means that we are now inviting the church to partner with us financially and in prayer. If you want to learn more about this, feel free to contact us- we’re happy to share!

The House of Destiny will continue to welcome in babies and toddlers in need, with a full staff ready to receive them!

Much Love,

Isabel and Nick

2 Timothy 2: 11-13

Here is a trustworthy saying:

If we died with him,
    we will also live with him;
 if we endure,
    we will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
    he will also disown us;
 if we are faithless,
    he remains faithful,
    for he cannot disown himself.