Blessings from the Lord!

Good morning from Guatemala! Its been about a month and a half since our last update, and a lot has happened. First and foremost, we are excited to announce our new partnership with Mission:Export!

As we progress in our efforts here in Guatemala, we are blessed to receive tangible support from Mission:Export – a nonprofit designed to remove obstacles for individuals responding to God’s call to go, serve the least of these and make disciples.  With their administrative support and fiscal responsibility, you may now give tax-deductible gifts through them!!

If you are interested in Mission:Export and want to learn more about why they are so awesome, you can check out their website at They are a wonderful couple who have their hearts set on serving God’s Kingdom and it is clear to see that God has brought us all together. All of the PayPal links on our website have been changed to Mission:Export’s PayPal account so that your on-line giving can be claimed as tax-deductible. In case you are interested, that PayPal link can be found here.

Alternatively, you can email Jennifer King at to set up electronic checks *fee free (preferred if you are a monthly donor). It is worth noting that a standard transaction fee (like PayPal) is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction, so using a fee free method can save a lot over time.

A week at House of Destiny

Around this time last month we spent a week living at House of Destiny while the current directors were visiting in the United States. It was crazy to suddenly live in a house where ten kids and multiple staff members were always present, but the experience was very positive. I (Nick) have since learned how to drive the van which I use to run house errands and bus the kids around when needed.

We enjoyed getting to work much closer with each of the staff members, since the majority of them will remain with us after the transition. During that week watched three of the Shrek movies in Spanish with all of the kids, and had a couple nights of Hide and Seek. Bedtime was definitely a hit or miss. Some nights everything would go smoothly, and other nights there was kicking and screaming. Thankfully we were not responsible for putting the babies to sleep, since the seven older children were enough of a hand full.

Isabel and I don’t usually take a lot of pictures, so I don’t know if we took any during that week. If we did, I can’t find them. That being said, we have a bunch from both Josue and Cristopher’s birthday parties, so that should make up for it! Here is a picture of Isabel and I with all of the kids who will be living with us after the transition. We have Estiven, Cristopher, Josue and Emilio!

Josue’s Birthday Party

Josue recently had his 1 year old birthday party! Isabel and I went to the market to pick out a gift and a piñata a few days before and then we setup some basic decorations and celebrated his day! While he definitely wasn’t able to hit the piñata hard enough, he did enjoy all of the attention and a single lollypop. It took him a little bit to decide that cake was an acceptable food, but he came around.

Cristopher’s Birthday Party

On the 2nd of November, we celebrated Cristopher’s 2nd birthday! This time we got a lightning McQueen piñata and a small soccer ball as a present. These birthday parties are especially fun since its a moment where all of the staff and children can relax and enjoy spending time together. Cristopher was especially determined to get the piñata this time around.

Hiking with the Church

Just this past Sunday, Isabel and I were asked if we would be willing to be one of the van drivers for a church hiking event. Obviously we said yes, and so we took the four eldest children, along eight other church members to meet with the rest of the group. We also took Chorizo with us because he loves to hike!

The trip was fairly close by, and we hiked through the forest with a guide where we were led to two separate waterfalls. The hike lasted for about 4-5 hours and most everyone was exhausted by the end of it. Chorizo on the other hand, was not nearly as tired as he should have been.

What’s Next

Next week we will be back in the United States to spend Thanksgiving with family. Upon our return in early December, the plan is for Isabel and I to move into House of Destiny, and the current directors will be moving into their new home (just a couple blocks down the road) along with six of the older kids. All of the paperwork and inspections for the new home have been taken care of and approved, so everything should be ready for the transition!

Lord willing, our next post will likely be around Christmas time, and by then we should be fully moved in and roughly settled. Please be praying for us during this time so that the transition can go smoothly.

Thanks to you all!

Isabel and I have been very blessed to have the support of all of you. Whether that be via your prayers or from your financial support, we really appreciate it. If you would like to know more about how to support us, check out our pages about prayer requests and how to donate.