A Quick Update

Good morning everyone! Its been about a month since our last update, and we have information to update everyone on. But first off, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped us with our Amazon list from the last post. One of our close friends, Rebekah Schaeffer, got us a whole bunch of the items on the list. Bless your soul Chouffer, thank you.

Being back near family is just wonderful. We are still very far from our Wyoming family, but we are grateful for what we have and are excited to see them as often as possible. For the New Year we went hiking on a small trail in our town with my parents and brother. That’s the cover photo of this post and I think it is a great depiction of my family.

The good news

As we mentioned in the past, the goal is to get a software development job here in Huntsville and I am happy to say that I have accepted an offer with Oasys Inc. A huge thank you to Mark Wensyel for opening this opportunity to me, I can’t express enough how grateful I am for the position. Mark took me to the office to meet the team, and I am very excited to join them and work alongside them. Like many software positions in Huntsville, AL Oasys is a defense contractor, which means I need a security clearance in order to begin working. The process of attaining a security clearance takes anywhere from 2 to 6 months, however many people are able to get an interim clearance in a matter of weeks to begin working sooner.

The bad news

Unfortunately, my interim clearance was denied. There could be a few different reasons for why my interim clearance was denied, but it most likely has to do with all of my foreign travels within the past 7 years, along with all of the close friends I made during my time in those countries. I was told that my odds of getting an interim clearance were that of a coin toss…an unfortunate toss for me I guess haha.

So what now?

Well…we wait. God has guided us and provided for us very intentionally over the past few years and I am confident that He is doing the same now. The odds of me getting my security clearance are extremely high, I just have no reference for whether that will be in 2 months or 6 months. That being said, a lot of developer positions in the area require a clearance, so I am most likely in the same position regardless of what company I work for. A period of waiting.

In order to live and pay bills, we have to make a minimum of $1,000 / month. That doesn’t cover everything, but it covers the bare minimum. Our plan is to focus on building websites for ministries and businesses in order to cover us until my security clearance gets approved. God has provided us with many clients over the last 3 years, some of which read our newsletter! A quick thanks to you guys for being amazing clients and good friends. We trust that God will provide more business in order to sustain us during this chapter of our lives, and we will do our part by reaching out to potential customers and marketing our services in the ways we know. If you know someone in need of a website, or if your church needs a new website, feel free to send them our way and we would be happy to hop on a call! Our business website is www.gauwebsolutions.com

How can you help?

Prayer. We are so grateful for all of our financial supporters over the past 2+ years. Your support is what enabled us to serve in Guatemala, and we have been so blessed by that chapter of our lives. At this point though, I feel it is the right thing to tell everyone that your commitment to us can be released. We do still have financial needs, and our donation platform will remain open for the foreseeable future, however we will not continue to ask for your financial support as promised in a previous newsletter. You all have been such an encouragement to us, and we don’t want to drain anyone of the good will they have extended to us. For anyone who would like to support us while we are waiting, we thank you. But, we do not hold that expectation over anyone.

How can you pray?

  1. That God would open opportunities for us to be financially stable during this time of transition.
  2. That Nick’s security clearance would get approved swiftly.
  3. That the Gaultney family would continue to seek God in all things and be unified during times of trials