3 ways to keep safe during the Dengue epidemic in Guatemala.

Last week Rosa, one of our staff members, called in sick with high fever, body aches and the chills. Fair enough, we didn’t think much of it and happily covered for her shifts. Later that day we found out she had Dengue…

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Isabel asked me.

“I don’t know…its not malaria so we should be fine” I laughed nervously.

In most cases, it’s not serious. Like, only 2% of all cases are considered severe (in need of a hospital visit) and of that 2% only 3.5% of severe cases were fatal. That data is based on the 2013 Dengue epidemic. For more info, read this article. It really isn’t that big of a deal. Influenza would be quite comparable in my highly unqualified opinion. But, it is still important to take some precautions, so here are 3 ways to keep safe and minimize risk.

1) Use Fans

Definitely the most overlooked and underrated solution. Mosquitos are considered weak flyers and can’t navigate easily in even a moderate breeze. Therefore, the use of ceiling fans or regular standing fans prove to be quite effective. Time to pull out your fans, team! We have one going at all times anyways due to the heat haha.

2) Clean out still water puddles

In Guatemala, every home is equipped with a “Pila” which is the traditional washing station. While these things are awesome for everyday usage, the don’t always have the best drainage and therefore can leave puddles large enough for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Clean these bad boys out regularly to prevent still water being a breeding ground near your house.

3) Mesh screens on windows

Obviously, if the mosquitos can’t get into your house in the first place, they can’t bite you. This doesn’t help at all when you’re out and about, but is effective when you’re at home or during the night. Make sure all your windows have bug mesh filters on them to allow the cool breeze in, and the pesky bugs out.

Bonus Information:

Citronella Candles

This one is our personal favorite, or at least it was until the writing of this post. We usually buy our citronella candles at The Bodegona, 2 at a time since we go through them so quickly. That being said, it’s in the bonus section because there is some solid evidence that they aren’t actually effective at repelling mosquitos. While citronella is a repellent, the concentration of citronella in a candle isn’t strong enough to prove effective. Do some googling before you buy your next candle.

Long sleeves

This one is obvious. Long sleeves can help prevents those pesky mosquitos from getting you. That being said, not all fabrics are created equal. Use denim, tight-knit wool, nylon ripstop (whatever that is?) And velvet for the most effective protection. I found this information on an article by Healthline. Check out the full article here.

Bug repellent

Probably the most reliable way to stop mosquito bites. Some bug repellents are more effective than others, but if you’re concerned with only natural solutions, it might be more difficult to find an effective one. We personally don’t use any at the moment, but have in the past. NOTE FROM THE FUTURE – Isabel tells me we do have a natural bug repellent lotion thingy. Not sure how well it works, but we do have some!

Bug traps

Sticky traps during the day, bug zappers at night. Not a guaranteed solution, but it does definitely reduce the threat. You can find the sticky traps in the market, and the zappers in most larger stores.

Be smart, no need to panic

At the end of the day, Dengue is just like any other disease / infection. Be smart, don’t take unnecessary risk and you’ll likely be fine. It isn’t worth worrying, or losing sleep over it so just take the recommended precautions and carry on with your day.

House of Destiny Update

As I mentioned, some of our staff members have gotten Dengue recently, but everyone is healthy now. Naya and I both have mild cold symptoms, but it doesn’t appear to be Dengue. All of the children? They continue to rain down their toddler terror on the house as the run and scream without any sign of slowing down. We currently have 6 kids on the home, Maite being the latest edition. She has been here for about 2 months now, and has blended right in with the rest of the crew. Ariana is very happy to finally have someone her age to play with. Enjoy some pictures of the kids dressed up to match their toys.